[BC] TV Weather

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Mon Jan 21 21:37:48 CST 2008

You guys seem to forget the winter of 96/97.  Boston was all but shut 
down for a week after a storm which dumped 2 ft. along the seacoast 
up through Maine and inland to Vermont. A couple weeks later, another 
12+ was dumped on the same area.  I was visiting the area at the time 
and my then host was out of her mind.  She hadn't been in anything 
like it.  Even the blizzard of 79 in Chicago wasn't comparing to this 
1-2 punch.  Which I had to half heartedly agree,  It was a mess.

But I do agree, anything which is white gets the tongues a waggin' 
here and "Storm" as an adjective appears on everything 
promotional.  Especially when Fox turned up the spin to 11 with it's 
off the ceiling approach to everything they do....


>In a message dated 01/21/2008 8:52:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, sid at wrko.com
>That's why I mentioned the Blizzard of '78.  It's been 30 years since
>then, and everyone still panics, aided and abetted by the TV weather
>folks.  The attitude drilled home endlessly is "what if this IS the big

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