[BC] TV Weather

SHAFFER, RANDY L RandyShaffer at ClearChannel.com
Thu Jan 24 02:11:38 CST 2008

The thing I remember about the 1978 blizzard was that it hit on a Sunday night/Monday morning. I was working
the Sports desk/ news assistant. position at 910 WSBA. Accu Weather had been predicting just a few inches at first and
bumped it up to something like 4-6 inches by midnight. I was still writing at about 2am when Elliott Abrams called
with an update. The forecast was bumped up to something like over 12 inches.

I was driving a 1975 El Camino which didn't have any weight in the back and wasn't the best in snow. I had a 25 min
drive to get home. I decided I needed to get out now before I got stuck there. I barely made it home.

Tuesday night, the news director called me and asked if I could come in to relieve the people who had been
stuck there since Monday morning. The station was in the middle of corn fields and the lone road to the building
had drifted shut and if I remember correctly they ran out of fuel oil. They had to bring in big front end loaders to get
the fuel truck there. That opened the road for access to the station. I drove in in my '69 Ford Econoline (weighted with
bags of concrete mix over the axel) down the road which was like driving through a tunnel. Snow was much higher
than the van at spots.

Randy Shaffer
Harrisburg, PA

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