[BC] Vonage?

Bob Groome bobgroome at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 26 11:03:06 CST 2008

Another Vontage happy user here. My DSL is
Surewest which is wirless. Believe it's 2 gHz.
Tower is about 1-2 miles from me. The max range
per tower is about 6 miles they tell me. Vontage
works great over it. Re-booted about 4 or 5 times
over the past 1/2 year manly due to power outages
(at the Surewest site). I also have a 'remote
number' out in IN where my eldest daughter lives
so she can call as a local call (no LD charges)
from her home, work or anywhere in most of the
state. $5 extra. You have as many of these as you
want. Or an '800' number. I could have a UPS to
cover power failures in my home, but they are so
infrequent and I do have a cell number. My
burgler alarm works fine over the Vontage
circuit. No tweeking, plug and play

--- Broadcast List <Broadcast at fetrow.org> wrote:

> I have had Vonage twice.  I have also had MANY
> other VoIP services  
> and Vonage is the GOLD STANDARD of VoIP
> providers.
> Your friend moving his service to Vonage did
> not not kill off his  
> DSL.  DSL is generally IDEAL for VoIP.  Vonage
> works great on DSL,  
> MUCH better than on cable.

Bob Groome 

I have never seen a monument erected to a pessimist.     Paul Harvey

Personal Web site is http://web.mac.com/bobgroome/index.html
Work Email at ERI is bgroome at eriinc.com

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