[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Sun Jan 27 17:59:14 CST 2008

A follow up on Vonage. I went to my friend's place
and rebooted his DSL box. That made DSL work again.
I plugged the Vonage box into the local router and the
power line. The power LED started flashing at
random times. I thought ; "Damn a bad power supply..."
I hooked up standard telephone to the phone-jack
and got a dial tone. The flashing power LED was
now steady. Then I got BOLD. I connected the phone-
jack back into the "dry" DSL line through a filter.
Now all the phones in the condo work --plus, I'm
sure, anything plugged in at the CO.

So, it works. The audio quality sounds good
until you try to use the DSL for Internet video
downloads at the same time. At that time, the
audio is all broken up, but it's still usable.

Richard B. Johnson

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