[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Jan 27 19:28:04 CST 2008

> I hooked up standard telephone to the phone-jack
> and got a dial tone. The flashing power LED was
> now steady. Then I got BOLD. I connected the phone-
> jack back into the "dry" DSL line through a filter.
> Now all the phones in the condo work --plus, I'm
> sure, anything plugged in at the CO.

> So, it works. The audio quality sounds good
> until you try to use the DSL for Internet video
> downloads at the same time. At that time, the
> audio is all broken up, but it's still usable.

   Go to the website for the customer and set the settings.
    Ron  KA4INM - Our property is taxed at 33% of it's cost
                  and the inflation is killing us in Florida!

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