[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

Harold Hallikainen harold at hallikainen.com
Sun Jan 27 21:37:02 CST 2008

> The high RF field surrounding the Empire State Building is allegedly
> causing many mysterious breakdowns of motor vehicles on the streets below:
> http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2008/01/27/2008-01-27_empire_state_building_car_zap_mystery.html
> or, if that link gets split up, try:
> http://tinyurl.com/2pdf6m

Sure is a lack of info in that article! I could definitely see RKE
receivers being overloaded by all the RF in the area. But, isn't RKE used
ONLY as a convenience? On our brand new 2008 Honda Fit, the RKE is handy,
but door still has a key lock and the ignition switch uses a key.

It seems that any EMI cause other than RKE would require quite high RF

So, ideas?


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