[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Mon Jan 28 09:51:54 CST 2008

Many COs have removed their batteries as a "maintenance headache."
To fully understand how much of a headache that has been, I will
describe the maintenance schedule.

Once a month, take a hygrometer reading of all the cells to verify that
they remain in a fully-charged state. If any cells are getting different,
set the charger selector to "equalize" and supply an equalizing charge
for an hour. After the equalizing cycle, replace any lost water by
bringing the electrolyte level to the mark on all cells.

Once a year, hose down the battery bay. Note these batteries are
lead-acid in big glass tanks. Individual cells can be rebuilt with
a kit that consists of two groups of plates, separators, and
electrolyte. The old guts are returned for recycling. These
batteries last about 20 years and are rebuild when sludge
threatens to touch the bottom of the plates.

Like many radio stations, COs are mostly unmanned nowadays.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: WBRadiolists at aol.com
 > Cell phones have proven themselves *useless*, time and again, in widespread
 > emergencies, while in *most* cases, POTS came through. I also have a "power
 > failure phone" which is phone-line powered, right by the bed. 
There is one at
 > WFIF, also. Anywhere you have an electronic phone system, you 
should have at
 > LEAST one POTS phone connected (or readily connectable) to an 
analog line. A
 > good quality UPS on the phone system is a good idea, too. :)

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