[BC] RFI stalls cars near Empire State Building

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Mon Jan 28 10:53:35 CST 2008

A lot has changed. There are a number of UHF DTV stations there that did 
not previously exist in addition to almost every other FM and TV station 
in the city. The few not on Empire are a few blocks away at 4 Times 
square. Most of those antennas have a better than average downward dump.

Also, the RFID technology used in cars now is relatively new.

Glen Kippel wrote:
   They have had transmitters in top of the ESB for years
> now -- why is this suddenly an issue?  I could possibly see interference to
> remote door locks, however.  I have had some problem with that at our
> transmitter site.

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