[BC] Re: RFI stalls cars

Milton Holladay miltron at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 29 09:19:17 CST 2008

No, no, no !!!  Monster cables are waaaay too mainstream and practical !
 The accessory to peddle with this baby is the tin foil beanie, as it's the 
same sort of item, only just for the human head.
And, of course, there's  the cell phone shield for those who want an extra 
measure of protection from those dangerous cellphone emanations for their 
I fully agree that Rich would be the perfect marketer to hawk all of these 
items for you, as he can simply add them to his catalogue of the bridges 
that he purveys......<g>

My experience in this area is only that my "flincker" would not work at some 
sites where a brand H  FM xmtr was on the air, especially all of them that 
had an HT model.......
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "rj carpenter" <rcarpen1 at verizon.net>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:34 AM
Subject: [BC] Re: RFI stalls cars

> Someone suggested a Faraday-shield garage at transmitter sites. Too 
> special-purpose.
> How many of you want to buy a copy of my proprietary roll-up 
> Faraday-shield drop cloth to put over your car when it won't start due to 
> RFI?
> Properly marketed, it should be a winner. Aside from radio engineers who 
> might have a real need, it could be sold to the same crowd which buys 
> Monster Cables. I'll appoint Rich as my marketing manager if he has free 
> time from marketing the bridges.

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