[BC] RFI stalls cars

jvodenik at verizon.net jvodenik at verizon.net
Tue Jan 29 22:21:05 CST 2008

Way back, when I was at VOA / Bethany, BMW and Mercides (?) would 
bring cars to be tested in the antenna field.  They also brought a 
tow truck!!!  The cars would get maybe 1/2 way thru the antenna 
switching structure, then stall out.  That was SOOO much fun to watch.

John @ VOA / DC

From: Bruce Doerle <bdoerle at mail.ucf.edu>
Date: 2008/01/28 Mon PM 04:06:19 CST

When I was working in Germany for IBB at Holzkirchen (SE of Munich), 
Audi, VW, and BMW used to bring their new model cars to our TX site 
and test them for RFI.  We ran 250kW on the shortwave bands and 150kW 
mediumwave.  They would park and run the vehicles right in front of 
the antennas.  The vehicles would be less than two hundred feet from 
the antennas.  I don't remember any vehicles getting stuck in the 
field because  of RFI.

The new model styles were all wrapped up so you couldn't see the 
style, but they would always leave us some swag.  They would also 
test them over at the Deutsche Telekom Wertachtal site which had 
500kW shortwave TXs.

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