[BC] RFI stalls cars

WBRadiolists at aol.com WBRadiolists at aol.com
Tue Jan 29 22:22:20 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/29/2008 7:45:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,
rcarpen1 at verizon.net writes:

 > Properly marketed, it should be a winner. Aside from radio engineers who
 >  might have a real need, it could be sold to the same crowd which buys
 >  Monster Cables. I'll appoint Rich as my marketing manager if he has free
 >  time from marketing the bridges.
 >  Seriously, such an item might / could be effective.

Oh, man... the tinfoil-hat people will be all over this one! ;)

I think you do have a point... it certainly could work!


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