[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Thu Jan 31 07:33:34 CST 2008

Many talk shows might be conservative Donna, but the media in general is 
more liberally biased than many people conclude.  It's a background 
thing.  One would not think NPR as being liberal until you actually listen 
to the overall product they produce.  When you look over their raised noses 
and stuffed shirt delivery,  the content is wildly liberal disguised as 
high brow seemingly conservative discourse.

The same can be said for TV when you look at all the documentaries and such 
produced.  Few are conservative and many written in such a way that you 
can't see the liberalness unless you watch the entire program.  See bits 
and pieces isn't enough to see that unless you are viewing a program which 
would be from The Sierra Club.

That said, people are tiring of all the polarizing talk.  People are tiring 
of all the hyped up O'Rielly and Rhodes talk.  People are tired of...Blah 
blah blah blah blah...


At 03:02 AM 1/31/2008 -0500, Donna Halper wrote
>And it was said--
>And it's tough for the Limbaughs and O'Reillys to keep making the case 
>that the media are liberal when more than 90% of all talk shows are still 
>identifiably conservative.  Also, the fact that the President is so deeply 
>unpopular with both the right and the left -- and opinion polls 
>continually point this out-- makes it a tougher sell when a Limbaugh or a 
>Hannity spouts off the usual talking points.  Only the "true believers" 
>remain to nod their heads in agreement.  Everyone else is busy worrying 
>about making the mortgage payment or having enough money for heating 

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