[BC] Talk Radio losing influence?

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Thu Jan 31 12:02:26 CST 2008

At 08:33 AM 1/31/2008, Mike wrote:
>Many talk shows might be conservative Donna, but the media in 
>general is more liberally biased than many people conclude.  It's a 
>background thing.  One would not think NPR as being liberal until 
>you actually listen to the overall product they produce.  When you 
>look over their raised noses and stuffed shirt delivery,  the 
>content is wildly liberal disguised as high brow seemingly 
>conservative discourse.

I guess my problem is with what it means to be "liberal" or 
"conservative" these days.  I mean, there are righties who oppose the 
war, and lefties who support it-- you just can't generalise anymore, 
it seems to me.  Some supposedly liberal talk hosts are quite 
conservative on certain issues, and I've heard a few conservative 
talkers expressing views I'd classify as liberal.  I think there has 
been a shift in the culture on a number of issues, so I am not sure 
what a "liberal bias" is.  I believe, as I have said before, that the 
mainstream media are not really rightie or leftie-- they are 
CORPORATE and promote a pro-big business point of view.  Just sayin'...   

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